Failed to connect to MySQL: Too many connections Government grant opportunities in the United States 2024/2025

Since 2000, we have tracked over 132 funding programs and $627.38MM Government grant opportunities in the United States to date.

Recently published government funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
SCI Botany Implementation, San Clemente Island, CA Apply for W9126G 24 2 SOI 2856

Funding Number: W9126G 24 2 SOI 2856
Agency: Fort Worth District
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $2,364,933
Renewal Application: Kidney Health Initiative (R18) Clinical Trials Optional Apply for RFA FD 24 041

Funding Number: RFA FD 24 041
Agency: Food and Drug Administration
Category: Agriculture, Consumer Protection, Food and Nutrition
Funding Amount: $350,000
National Refugee Leadership and Lived Experience Council Program Apply for HHS 2024 ACF ORR RB 0060

Funding Number: HHS 2024 ACF ORR RB 0060
Agency: Administration for Children and Families - ORR
Category: Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $1,500,000
Strengthening the HIV Services Quality Improvement and Quality Management Systems of the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health, Regional Health Bureaus, and Public Health Facilities under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Apply for CDC RFA GH16 1614

Funding Number: CDC RFA GH16 1614
Agency: Centers for Disease Control - CGH
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Implementation of a Program to Build the Institutional Capacity to Develop Strategic Information Capability for Individuals and Organizations that will Contribute to Enhanced Quality in Collection, Management, Analysis and Presentation of HIV/AIDS Apply for CDC RFA GH12 124304CONT16

Funding Number: CDC RFA GH12 124304CONT16
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Countering Disinformation Training for Vernacular Language Journalists Apply for H NOFO 24 100

Funding Number: H NOFO 24 100
Agency: U.S. Mission to India
Category: Education
Funding Amount: $175,000
2025 Market Access Program Apply for USDA FAS MAP 2025

Funding Number: USDA FAS MAP 2025
Agency: Foreign Agricultural Service
Category: Agriculture
Funding Amount: $200,000,000
NIJ FY24 Longitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime Apply for O NIJ 2024 171957

Funding Number: O NIJ 2024 171957
Agency: National Institute of Justice
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
NIJ FY24 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults Apply for O NIJ 2024 171942

Funding Number: O NIJ 2024 171942
Agency: National Institute of Justice
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $1,500,000
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) Program: RERC on Technology for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Apply for HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR REGE 0077

Funding Number: HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR REGE 0077
Agency: Administration for Community Living
Category: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Amount: $925,000


Grant application guides and resources

It is always free to apply for government grants. However the process may be very complex depending on the funding opportunity you are applying for. Let us help you!

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Inside Our Applicants Portal

  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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